Monday, May 18, 2020

This is Our Story - 3059 Words

‘This is our story’ Dr. Michael Alba, President of the Far Eastern University, Dr. Miriam Garcia, Directress of the FEU-FERN Basic Education Department, Honorable members of the Board of Trustees, Mrs. Nora Castada, Assistant to the Directress, Advisers of the graduating class, distinguished faculty members, beloved parents, guests, and our dearest graduates, a pleasant afternoon! Five years ago, I spoke on this same spot to deliver a message to my batchmates, the graduating class of 2009. Things were very different then – I was a young, naà ¯ve and immature student who had no idea of what might happen after my graduation. Contrary to what my batchmates thought then, I did not know what to do with my life. I did not know what course to take in college or what career to pursue after. I never thought that the choices I made and the career I chose would bring me back here to this same podium. I know that most of you, graduates, now have the same dilemmas that I once faced. What happens after high school graduation? What will I do in college? What does the future hold for me? But don’t worry! Do not be overly hesitant and anxious. You are at a crossroad in your life. You should be excited of what lies ahead. I am a storyteller. As a journalist, I tell stories of people, significant events and issues that affect the society. Today, I will share some valuable lessons I learned in life by telling five stories – stories that will provide a picture of what life is like in college andShow MoreRelatedNarrative Is The Representation Of An Event Or Series Of Events1637 Words   |  7 Pagesoneself. This may be referred to as a ‘self-narrative,’ Ibarra, H. and Barbulescu, R. 2010 refer to this to describe a story that is informative of the speaker. It is human nature to create narratives that represent ourselves and where we stand in society. These constructions allow us to connect and identify with society as well as bind ourselves to an institution. 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